Geraldine Shalom Tan: A plain palette
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Drawing in the brows
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Fionna at work
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Before beauty sets in
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Giving me doe eyes
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Putting on the lashes
Geraldine Shalom Tan: From Ling Hooi's screen
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Fionna applying lip stick...
Geraldine Shalom Tan: What big eyes I've got... =p
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Sharen helping Charm with her ribbon
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Dad combing Kae's hair - a fav shot
Geraldine Shalom Tan: My handsome kid looks on
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Tie tighter so I look slimmer k?
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Deep breaths!
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Lacing me up
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Charm my dear sis and helper and my bestest friend
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Fionna puts on the finishing touch.
Geraldine Shalom Tan: He's here???
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Aunty Betty and I
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Jie Meis and I
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Getting ready to give me away
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Putting on the veil
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Covered by parental love
Geraldine Shalom Tan: I love them lots you know.
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Mum, Dad and I
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Where is Ian??
Geraldine Shalom Tan: The happy groom
Geraldine Shalom Tan: Kae opens the door for Ian
Geraldine Shalom Tan: My handsome guys