Gerhard Pratt: Waterfront food market
Gerhard Pratt: Houseboat or tugboat
Gerhard Pratt: T-rex mural in Christiania
Gerhard Pratt: Crow at play
Gerhard Pratt: Crow at play
Gerhard Pratt: Bike parking in Christiania
Gerhard Pratt: Christiania under renovation
Gerhard Pratt: Marbel Cupids
Gerhard Pratt: Interior detail of guilded woodwork
Gerhard Pratt: A grail is extended
Gerhard Pratt: The angel Micheal
Gerhard Pratt: Another visitor to the farm
Gerhard Pratt: Visitor to the farm
Gerhard Pratt: Friend of the family farm
Gerhard Pratt: The pride of the Suono Farm flock
Gerhard Pratt: Disapproving look
Gerhard Pratt: Tree lined lane at Skovsgaard
Gerhard Pratt: Castle at Skovsgaard
Gerhard Pratt: Blossoms of spring
Gerhard Pratt: A rocky Danish shoreline on the Baltic
Gerhard Pratt: A rocky shore marks the Langeland shoreface
Gerhard Pratt: Weather Vane
Gerhard Pratt: Butik Knag reflection
Gerhard Pratt: Butik Knag
Gerhard Pratt: Outstanding in the field
Gerhard Pratt: They are everywhere
Gerhard Pratt: Idyllic setting
Gerhard Pratt: Blossoms against the foilage
Gerhard Pratt: Framed by the roof
Gerhard Pratt: Tail-less George