GE Reports:
Trypanosomes stained for DNA (blue) and cell membrane (red).
GE Reports:
HeLa cells stained for DNA (red) and mitochondria (green).
GE Reports:
Human primary neurons, astrocytes and T cells, stained for DNA (blue) and neuronal markers (red and green).
GE Reports:
Human stem cell derived cardiomyocytes stained for DNA (blue) and actin (green).
GE Reports:
Human epithelial carcinoma cells stained for actin (green), tubulin (red) and DNA (blue).
GE Reports:
Mouse neural progenitors and differentiated neurons stained for DNA (blue), neuronal βIII-tubulin (red) and progegenitor Sox2 (green).
GE Reports:
HeLa cells treated with a microtubule stabilizing drug and stained for DNA (blue), a microtubule subset (green) and mitochondria (red).
GE Reports:
Cells stained for DNA (green) and free cholesterol with Filipin (orange).
GE Reports:
Cells stained for DNA (blue), beta-tubulin (green) and cell cytoplasm (red).
GE Reports:
Human dermal fibroblasts stained for DNA (blue), calcium (green) and loss of membrane integrity (red).
GE Reports:
Hypersensing cells stained for DNA (blue) and primary cilia microtubules (green).
GE Reports:
Vascular smooth muscle cells differentiated from human embryonic stem cells stained for DNA (blue) and the smooth muscle markers Smoothelin (red) and Caldesmon (green).
GE Reports:
Human breast epithelial cells stained for basal cells (red), luminal cells (blue), and double-stranded DNA damage marker (green).
GE Reports:
Fibroblast derived neuronal cell line stained for DNA (blue) and neuronal markers (red and green).
GE Reports:
HeLa cells treated with an actin depolymerizing drug and stained for DNA (blue), tubulin (red) and actin (green).