gerdaindc: Flying into Ottawa
gerdaindc: Another view from the skies
gerdaindc: View from the airplane Ottawa
gerdaindc: The Montréal Tower Observatory
gerdaindc: Biosphere entrance
gerdaindc: Biosphere - Tropical forest
gerdaindc: Biosphere - Tropical forest
gerdaindc: Biosphere - Tropical forest
gerdaindc: IMG_2772.JPG
gerdaindc: Biosphere - Laurentian forest
gerdaindc: Biosphere - Laurentian forest
gerdaindc: Biosphere - Laurentian forest
gerdaindc: Mik enjoying the view
gerdaindc: biosphere - polar world
gerdaindc: biosphere - polar world
gerdaindc: biosphere - polar world
gerdaindc: biosphere - polar world
gerdaindc: Fox in the distance... he was chasing birds...
gerdaindc: On the grounds of the botanical gardens
gerdaindc: The Montréal Tower Observatory
gerdaindc: Cactus flowers
gerdaindc: Now that was a big cactus
gerdaindc: Calliandra Haematodephala (red powderpuff)
gerdaindc: Caligo Eurilochus (Owl butterfly) feeding on oranges
gerdaindc: IMG_2843.JPG