stricher gerard: A strange day started...
stricher gerard: The planet is melting...
stricher gerard: Samba,samba...
stricher gerard: Flowers will come back...
stricher gerard: Dancing in the fire
stricher gerard: Totem Waudou
stricher gerard: Stop that blood!!!
stricher gerard: The Ghost playing at the red square
stricher gerard: The cardinal
stricher gerard: Collection Spring/summer
stricher gerard: Acid rain
stricher gerard: Gaïa and Chaos
stricher gerard: Transformation
stricher gerard: In the wind
stricher gerard: La Montagne Sacrée
stricher gerard: Also sprach Zarathoustra
stricher gerard: Day and Night
stricher gerard: Tags on blue
stricher gerard: The magic garden
stricher gerard: The blue rock
stricher gerard: Hiding in the purple forest
stricher gerard: The golden Hair
stricher gerard: Women sitting in my garden
stricher gerard: She is runing away
stricher gerard: Spring 1
stricher gerard: Sam,Joe and me
stricher gerard: The queen
stricher gerard: The girl from Katmandou
stricher gerard: Something is going on in the Abysses