Gerardo Fdez.: I've found a scottish terrier in the grass
Gerardo Fdez.: DSC_7419
Gerardo Fdez.: Consequences of sniffing
Gerardo Fdez.: "Water at last!"
Gerardo Fdez.: "Time to explore that bridge..."
Gerardo Fdez.: Manicure
Gerardo Fdez.: Drying under the sun
Gerardo Fdez.: Byron taking a bath (again).
Gerardo Fdez.: "Oh!, no, no, no, I don't look dirty..."
Gerardo Fdez.: A wet and dirty scottish terrier...
Gerardo Fdez.: "What the hell is this ?!"
Gerardo Fdez.: Looking for the next river to drink...
Gerardo Fdez.: "wait... WAIT! Look there!"
Gerardo Fdez.: "Hey! hey! I have seen something moving over there!"
Gerardo Fdez.: Entre flores
Gerardo Fdez.: "Uhm... What the hell am I doing on a boat?!"
Gerardo Fdez.: "Drop that camera and look that!"
Gerardo Fdez.: Is this a scottish terrier or a shaggy otter ?
Gerardo Fdez.: "Do you know what the word 'terrier' means?"
Gerardo Fdez.: "Oh my god... what I'm doing here?"
Gerardo Fdez.: "Be quiet!, I've seen something right there..."
Gerardo Fdez.: Courant D'Huchet, Les Landes
Gerardo Fdez.: Courant D'Huchet, Les Landes
Gerardo Fdez.: "Oh my god!, the shore is so far from here... "
Gerardo Fdez.: "Ok, Let's talk..."
Gerardo Fdez.: "Hey, hey!, I've just seen some kind of strange animal there...!"
Gerardo Fdez.: "Uhm... should I jump... or not?"
Gerardo Fdez.: "All right, I have to admit, I'm unable to jump from this site..."
Gerardo Fdez.: "I think it's trying to tell me something..."
Gerardo Fdez.: "What a strange kind of ground ?!"