Mono Andes: Nilahue
Mono Andes: Vista al Valle de Nilahue
Mono Andes: Lengas muertas
Mono Andes: Laderas del Caulle
Daniel Sziklai G.: Comesebo Negro. Diglossa brunneiventris. Black-throted Flowerpiercer
Daniel Sziklai G.: Garza Boyera. Bubulcus ibis. Cattle Egret
RYS ~ Photography: Torre de alta tensión
Mono Andes: Torres del Paine
Daniel Sziklai G.: Murciélago Nectarívoro. Hylonycteris underwoodi. Underwood's Long-tongued Bat
Mono Andes: Volcán Osorno
Per@vicbcca: Roman Forum - 2
Yures: La luz...
Gavin Hardcastle - Fototripper: 'The Bigger Picture'
Luís Henrique Boucault: Valencia City of Arts & Blue Hour
Michael Weymann: Liolaemus reichei
Michael Weymann: Vinchuca
Mono Andes: Valle de Pulul
pramiryx: Tiuque - Chimango Caracara
rdelonga: EOSR7410.jpg
VenusTraum: Sky after Summer Thunderstorm
VenusTraum: Do not drive faster than your Guardian Angel!
VenusTraum: auf der Burg
VenusTraum: Merry Christmas!
VenusTraum: Happy Valentine's Day
Ale*66*: Brrrrrrrrrrrr
Broken Window Theory: EC-1 by Tobi_urbex #10
hunt.keith27: Great Crested Grebe with humbugs (4) - (Podiceps cristatus) - 'Z' for ZOOM (Explored)
Egon Wolf: Chunchito
Christoph Wenzel: A7R06177.jpg
gudonjin: Trsugaru strait,Aomori, Japan 津軽海峡