geraldrford: Trustees Paul O'Neill, Doug DeVos and Susan Ford Bales
geraldrford: Republic of South Vietnam Veteran Color Guard
geraldrford: Presentation of the Colors by Republic of South Vietnam Veteran Color Guard
geraldrford: Stan Greene Tribute to President Ford's Operation Babylift and Operation Frequent Wind
geraldrford: Ashley Trieu sings the "National Anthem"
geraldrford: Ashley Trieu sings the "National Anthem"
geraldrford: Ashley Trieu sings the "National Anthem"
geraldrford: Foundation Chairman Red Cavaney
geraldrford: Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell
geraldrford: Trustee Susan Ford Bales
geraldrford: Trustee Susan Ford Bales
geraldrford: Trustee Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Trustee Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Trustee Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Trustee Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Trustee Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Trustees Paul O'Neill and Susan Ford Bales during presentation of Gerald R. Ford portrait
geraldrford: Trustees Paul O'Neill and Susan Ford Bales during presentation of Gerald R. Ford portrait
geraldrford: Trustees Paul O'Neill and Susan Ford Bales during presentation of Gerald R. Ford portrait
geraldrford: Red Cavaney, Paul O'Neill and Susan Ford Bales
geraldrford: Gleaves Whitney presents the 2015 COL Ralph W. Hauenstein Fellowship to Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Gleaves Whitney presents the 2015 COL Ralph W. Hauenstein Fellowship to Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Gleaves Whitney presents the 2015 COL Ralph W. Hauenstein Fellowship to Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Gleaves Whitney presents the 2015 COL Ralph W. Hauenstein Fellowship to Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Trustee Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Foundation Chairman Red Cavaney
geraldrford: Paul O'Neill with portrait presented to Susan Ford Bales
geraldrford: Bust of President Ford presented to Paul O'Neill
geraldrford: Portrait of President Ford by Margaret Holland Sargent
geraldrford: Portrait of President Ford by Margaret Holland Sargent