geraldrford: Museum Curator Don Holloway, Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Foundation Executive Director Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton and Rep. Kevin McCarthy
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Don Holloway, Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton, Joseph Calvaruso and Rep. Kevin McCarthy
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy in Gerald R. Ford's office
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy in Gerald R. Ford's office
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Don Holloway, Rep. Fred Upton and Rep. Kevin McCarthy
geraldrford: Joseph Calvaruso, Don Holloway, Rep. Fred Upton and Rep. Kevin McCarthy
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Don Holloway, Rep. Fred Upton, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Joseph Calvaruso
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy interview with WOOD TV Senior Reporter Rick Albin
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy interview with WOOD TV Senior Reporter Rick Albin
geraldrford: Rep. Fred Upton interview with WOOD TV Senior Reporter Rick Albin
geraldrford: Joseph Calvaruso, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Fred Upton and Don Holloway standing at Museum entrance
geraldrford: Joseph Calvaruso, Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton standing at Museum entrance
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton standing at Museum entrance
geraldrford: Joseph Calvaruso and Rep. Kevin McCarthy standing at Museum entrance
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton touring Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton touring Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton touring Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton touring Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton touring Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton touring Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton pay respects at Tomb of Gerald R. Ford and Betty Ford
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton pay respects at Tomb of Gerald R. Ford and Betty Ford
geraldrford: Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Fred Upton pay respects at Tomb of Gerald R. Ford and Betty Ford