geraldrford: Cong. Fred Upton, Angela Greiling Keane and David Gergen
geraldrford: David Gergen, Hal Bernton, Angela Greiling Keane, John Dickerson and Cong. Fred Upton
geraldrford: Cong. Fred Upton, David Gergen, Angela Greiling Keane and Steve Ford
geraldrford: Hal Bernton with Cong. Fred Upton and Steve Ford
geraldrford: David Gergen, Cong. Fred Upton, Rod Hills, Carla Hills and Steve Ford
geraldrford: Ron Nessen and Steve Ford
geraldrford: Reporting on the Presidency Judges David Beckworth, Ron Nessen and John McConnell with Cong. Fred Upton and Steve Ford
geraldrford: John Dickerson with Cong. Fred Upton and Steve Ford
geraldrford: Reporting on National Defense Judges Rob Holzer, Debbie van Opstal, Paula Trimble, Michael Champness, Karen Scowcroft, Mark Troutman with Cong. Fred Upton and Steve Ford
geraldrford: Josh Gerstein, Carrie Budoff Brown and Andrew Tighman Honorable Mentions
geraldrford: Angela Greiling Keane, President of the National Press Club and Washington-based reporter for Bloomberg News
geraldrford: Steve Ford, Chairman of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation and son of Gerald & Betty Ford
geraldrford: Hal Bernton and Steve Ford
geraldrford: Hal Bernton, recipient of the Gerald R. Ford Journalism Prize for Distinguished Reporting on National Defense
geraldrford: Steve Ford and John Dickerson
geraldrford: John Dickerson, recipient of the Gerald R. Ford Journalism Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency
geraldrford: David Gergen remarks at National Press Club
geraldrford: David Gergen
geraldrford: David Gergen
geraldrford: David Gergen, Angela Greiling Keane and Cong. Fred Upton
geraldrford: Cong. Fred Upton remarks at National Press Club
geraldrford: Cong. Fred Upton remarks at National Press Club