geraldrford: President and Mrs. Ford attend Swearing-In Ceremony
geraldrford: Chief Justice Warren Burger Administers Oath of Office
geraldrford: Chief Justice Warren Burger Administers Oath of Office
geraldrford: President Ford introduces Jerald terHorst as Press Secretary
geraldrford: President Ford introduces Jerald terHorst as Press Secretary
geraldrford: President Ford meets with Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger
geraldrford: President Gerald R. Ford at desk in the Oval Office
geraldrford: Meeting in Cabinet Room
geraldrford: The President's First Press Conference
geraldrford: Walking on South Lawn towards Marine One
geraldrford: Swearing-In of Alan Greenspan, Council of Economic Affairs
geraldrford: President Ford, Secretary Henry Kissinger, NSA Advisor Brent Scowcroft and Liberty in the Oval Office
geraldrford: President Ford and Secretary Kissinger in the President's Suite on Air Force One
geraldrford: Meeting with Harlem Globetrotters in the Oval Office
geraldrford: Signing Ceremony for the Executive Order Establishing the National Commission for the Observance of International Women's Year
geraldrford: Secretary of Transportation William Coleman and President Ford
geraldrford: President Ford arriving on Marine One to Concord, Massachusetts for Bicentennial Ceremony at Old North Bridge
geraldrford: President Ford speaking at the Minuteman Statue at Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts during the Bicentennial Celebrations
geraldrford: Assistant to The President Dick Cheney, Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld and President Gerald R. Ford
geraldrford: Swearing-In Ceremony of Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President
geraldrford: President Ford and Vice President Rockefeller
geraldrford: President Gerald R. Ford and Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller in the Oval Office
geraldrford: Secretary Henry Kissinger, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and President Gerald R. Ford
geraldrford: Crew of Joint Apollo-Soyuz Mission presents President Ford with a scale model of the 1975 spacecraft
geraldrford: President Ford and Secretary Kissinger at the Medal of Freedom Ceremony
geraldrford: President Gerald R. Ford presents the Medal of Freedom to Secretary Henry Kissinger
geraldrford: President Ford at his desk in the Oval Office