geraldrford: Ford Family in Oval Office after Swearing-in Ceremony
geraldrford: The President and Mrs. Ford leaving the Ford Home in Alexandria, VA
geraldrford: The President and Mrs. Ford in the Family Dining Room, 2nd Floor of The White House
geraldrford: First Lady Betty Ford and President Gerald R. Ford in Presidential Limo
geraldrford: Visit with Mrs. Betty Ford following Cancer Surgery, Bethesda Naval Hospital
geraldrford: Mrs Betty Ford throwing football
geraldrford: The Fords in the hallway after Betty's Cancer Surgery
geraldrford: President Ford and Bob Hope visit Mrs Ford after surgery
geraldrford: First Lady Betty Ford and President Gerald R. Ford
geraldrford: Ford Family on the South Lawn
geraldrford: Ford Family Photo in the Oval Office
geraldrford: President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford at voting booth
geraldrford: President and Mrs. Ford waving from steps of Air Force One while in Krakow, Poland