Geraldine Curtis: Hare in Profile, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Hare and Anvil, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Marble Sculpture, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Marble Sculpture, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Marble Sculpture, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Marble Sculpture, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Stone Style, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: James Turrell Deer Centre, new at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: James Turrell Deer Centre, new at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: James Turrell Deer Centre, new at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Lady Sitting, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Lady Sitting, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Visitor's Centre, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: How To Find Your Way, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Geraldine Curtis: Visitor Centre
Geraldine Curtis: Henry Moore
Geraldine Curtis: Henry Moore
Geraldine Curtis: Stone Style
Geraldine Curtis: Tree Trunk
Geraldine Curtis: Tree Trunk
Geraldine Curtis: Dead tree against blue sky
Geraldine Curtis: Imposing Tree
Geraldine Curtis: Easter Daffodils
Geraldine Curtis: The House viewed across the water
Geraldine Curtis: Sheet Metal Sculpture
Geraldine Curtis: More Daffodils
Geraldine Curtis: Cherry Blossom
Geraldine Curtis: Varigated Camellia
Geraldine Curtis: Indoor Water Feature
Geraldine Curtis: Imp on end of Anvil