Geothermal Rising: Entries_Slide
Geothermal Rising: Inclusivity of Natural Rock formation and Wildlife in a Geothermal Setting
Geothermal Rising: The diversity of natural colors in the Geothermal Environment
Geothermal Rising: Hot Creek Geological Site
Geothermal Rising: I've got a ticket to Mars
Geothermal Rising: Lambs on summer vacation
Geothermal Rising: Geothermal harmony
Geothermal Rising: Cathedral - SECOND PLACE
Geothermal Rising: Geothermal Sunset
Geothermal Rising: San Federico
Geothermal Rising: Flow testing Surprise Valley Hot Springs Exploratory Well
Geothermal Rising: Kenya reach the 1GW club?
Geothermal Rising: No matter disaster
Geothermal Rising: Long-term snow test
Geothermal Rising: Mullet Island Mud Pots
Geothermal Rising: Salton Sea Infrared - FIRST PLACE
Geothermal Rising: Rock Hill Dawn
Geothermal Rising: Celebrating Over 30 years of Production at Steamboat Hills
Geothermal Rising: Hot-spring in the central village of Furnas, Sao Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago, Portugal
Geothermal Rising: Caldeiras region- the famous "cozido" cooked by geothermal heat. Sao Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago, Portugal. - HONORABLE MENTION
Geothermal Rising: Pico Vermelho Geothermal Power Plant. Sao Miguel Island, Azores Archipelago, Portugal.
Geothermal Rising: Velika Ciglena 17,5 MW Turboden ORC plant - view from top
Geothermal Rising: Velika Ciglena 17,5 MW Turboden ORC plant - ACC walkway
Geothermal Rising: Velika Ciglena 17,5 MW Turboden ORC plant - RGS geometries
Geothermal Rising: Rainbow and Geothermal Power Plant
Geothermal Rising: Alloy, Salton Sea Geothermal Field
Geothermal Rising: Dawn, Salton Sea Geothermal Field
Geothermal Rising: Sunset, Salton Sea Geothermal Field
Geothermal Rising: The Geothermal Good Life Goes Underground
Geothermal Rising: Fuggy Land Testing