tex.the.naturalist: Fossil sea urchin top side
tex.the.naturalist: Fancy Urchin Fossil
tex.the.naturalist: Diplomystus (?)
tex.the.naturalist: Priscacara head
tex.the.naturalist: Urchin from the Marl
tex.the.naturalist: Dinosaur Tracks Texas
tex.the.naturalist: Approaching the site
tex.the.naturalist: Petrified Wood Wyoming
tex.the.naturalist: Shark Teeth
tex.the.naturalist: Madagascar Fish 2
tex.the.naturalist: Fossil Fish Nodule Madagascar
tex.the.naturalist: Eocene fossils Texas
tex.the.naturalist: First hill behind us
tex.the.naturalist: Prada Marfa
tex.the.naturalist: Back side of El Capitan
tex.the.naturalist: Sunset Starburst
tex.the.naturalist: Incoming Rain
tex.the.naturalist: Terlingua Ranch Headquarters
tex.the.naturalist: Fossil Butte National Monument, Wyoming. Field Camp extended edition, hoorah!
tex.the.naturalist: Visitors Center