Ralph Hälbig (georgien.blogspot.com): A Day in A Life: A Daily Photo Reportage Made by children in IDP Collective Centres
Ralph Hälbig (georgien.blogspot.com): Interview with Hans Heiner Buhr (Henri Art magazin)
Ralph Hälbig (georgien.blogspot.com): Map of the place of New Art in Tbilisi
Ralph Hälbig (georgien.blogspot.com): invitation 3rd july new art cafe
Ralph Hälbig (georgien.blogspot.com): Art-Video by Wato Tsereteli in the New Art Cafe - 12 Jul - 20:00 - Orbeliani st 31
Ralph Hälbig (georgien.blogspot.com): Wolfram Herfurth - 23.09.2009 - New Art Cafe (Tbilisi)