Trinimusic2008 -blessings: "No one is more influential in your life than you are because no one talks to you more than you do.” ~Dr. Paul David Tripp
ctberney: Rainieria antennaepes makes its front legs look like antennae to fool the leafhopper into thinking the fly is a wasp
sevres-babylone: Mark Malibu and the Wasagas with Starlotte Satine
Joann aka Jee Whiz!: Am I the only one . . .
Jay:Dee: Just One Thing Missing
Ubique Ulf: Cactus
PTR: All on board
Lú_: Flux for Mayor
Trinimusic2008 -blessings: Ottavia’s oranges are her pride and joy
allanparke: 3264 - sunset toronto
andyscamera: Morning, with cherry tomato
Terry Happy Snaps: Happy Birthday to me :)
dennis l&t's dad: 2020 06 20 feeder 1551 take 2
dennis l&t's dad: 2020 06 20 feeder 1553
dennis l&t's dad: 2020 06 20 feeder 1563
Martin Reis: P1060748
smbrooks_2000: Reaching for the sun
mcfcrandall: hoops in the alley
designwallah: 123 Jersey Avenue
dzgnboy: Dangue Dangue Dangue
mcfcrandall: carving ice
WaterWindStars: Winter afternoon with cat, bear, pillow, and fake crow.
timmerschester: Here I Am!
WaterWindStars: "Would you turn that down? My coffee's about to go up my nose."
sevres-babylone: Surfbort and Fans
sevres-babylone: Ezra Furman - Horseshoe Tavern
Ben Roffelsen Photography: Beyond the Reeds