Georgia Strait: Beijing - Day 1
Georgia Strait: From our hotel window
Georgia Strait: Moat & wall of the Forbidden City
Georgia Strait: The Forbidden City
Georgia Strait: Forbidden City
Georgia Strait: Forbidden City repair
Georgia Strait: Roof creatures
Georgia Strait: Water pot for fire protection
Georgia Strait: The throne room
Georgia Strait: Building decoration
Georgia Strait: Decorated gate
Georgia Strait: The palace garden
Georgia Strait: Trees in palace garden
Georgia Strait: Palace Garden
Georgia Strait: Forbidden City wall and corner tower
Georgia Strait: Our first lunch
Georgia Strait: A ride through hutongs
Georgia Strait: The hutongs
Georgia Strait: A school in Beijing
Georgia Strait: Ping-pong in school yard
Georgia Strait: Beijng - Day 2
Georgia Strait: Dancing in the park
Georgia Strait: Dancing, dollar person
Georgia Strait: Tai with a racket
Georgia Strait: The Temple of Heaven
Georgia Strait: The gallery
Georgia Strait: Music on the gallery