Georgia Strait: Map of New Mexico
Georgia Strait: Street in Santa Fe
Georgia Strait: The Governors' Palace
Georgia Strait: Artists selling their work
Georgia Strait: At the Govenors' Palace
Georgia Strait: The theatre in Santa Fe
Georgia Strait: A downtown street
Georgia Strait: The government building
Georgia Strait: A hotel in the adobe style
Georgia Strait: The Museum of Art
Georgia Strait: The Cathedral
Georgia Strait: The Lodge at Santa Fe
Georgia Strait: Then we watched a performance
Georgia Strait: Camel Rock
Georgia Strait: Heading to Abiquiu
Georgia Strait: An adobe church
Georgia Strait: Fantastic colours
Georgia Strait: Layers of colour
Georgia Strait: This is right by the road....
Georgia Strait: Cliffs and clouds
Georgia Strait: A wonderful drive!
Georgia Strait: Stripes of many colours
Georgia Strait: Pedernal Mountain
Georgia Strait: The upper Rio Grande
Georgia Strait: Miles and miles
Georgia Strait: We go over hills and
Georgia Strait: Valley of Fires
Georgia Strait: Cholla cactus flowers
Georgia Strait: Patterns in the lava