georgianna lane: Cinderella Wings
georgianna lane: Floating Copper
georgianna lane: Invocation
georgianna lane: The Orchard
georgianna lane: V E S T I G E S
georgianna lane: Her Infinite Variety
georgianna lane: My September
georgianna lane: "But thy eternal Summer shall not fade"
georgianna lane: From a Faint and Far Off Dream
georgianna lane: Daisy Dance
georgianna lane: Signs of Summer ♥
georgianna lane: "Nobody knows quite how the world is going to shape itself, but as long as people care about art and books and flowers, the world will be a good place to live."
georgianna lane: The White Bench
georgianna lane: "Through the dancing poppies stole a breeze most softly lulling to my soul."
georgianna lane: September is Still Summer
georgianna lane: Lavender Harvest
georgianna lane: A Chilean Rose Garden
georgianna lane: Spanish Bluebell
georgianna lane: Winghaven
georgianna lane: Angelique
georgianna lane: Lady in Lavender
georgianna lane: Cup of Bluebells
georgianna lane: Blireiana Plum Blossoms
georgianna lane: Lady Emma
georgianna lane: Magnolia Grace
georgianna lane: P U R I T Y
georgianna lane: Tendrils