camilleronay: Dedication for WWII Memorial
camilleronay: Wide angle photo: WWII Memorial
camilleronay: Washington Monument as seen from WWII Memorial
camilleronay: Ranger Lowell Fry
camilleronay: Ranger Lowell Fry
camilleronay: Ranger Lowell Fry
camilleronay: Two old timers winning the war all over again.
camilleronay: Looking toward the Pacfic monolith
camilleronay: Looking toward the Pacfic monolith
camilleronay: Wall of Stars looking North
camilleronay: Wall of Stars looking South
camilleronay: Under North Portico
camilleronay: Circle looking South
camilleronay: Wreath under North Portico
camilleronay: Georgia's column looking east
camilleronay: "Lunch" in Arlington, VA
camilleronay: Camille during lunch
camilleronay: Knarled tree on the trail at Teddy Roosevelt Island in the middle of the Potomoc River
camilleronay: Monolith on T.R. Island
camilleronay: Monolith on T.R. Island
camilleronay: Rolling Thunder - among the 500,000 motorcycles (700K people) coming down 23d at Constitution Avenue
camilleronay: Rolling Thunder going up Constitution Avenue
camilleronay: Rolling Thunder - more 'cycles
camilleronay: Rollng Thunder - parked to observe
camilleronay: Traveled from Ohio
camilleronay: About 3,000 motorcycles parked in the field at 23d/Constitution
camilleronay: Better view of parked 'cycles
camilleronay: More 'cycles in the field
camilleronay: Marine Sgt at attention during the entire procession, an unflinching salute the entire time!