TheBushCenter: W100 Trail Preview
TheBushCenter: W100 Trail Preview
TheBushCenter: W100 Trail Preview
TheBushCenter: W100 Trail Preview
TheBushCenter: .A warrior gives a quick pre-ride interview
TheBushCenter: .A few riders discuss the upcoming 12 mile ride on day one
TheBushCenter: Putting together the last bike
TheBushCenter: .One last briefing from the ride doctor
TheBushCenter: The pre-ride briefing
TheBushCenter: Getting ready for the W100
TheBushCenter: President Bush and some warriors give a pre-ride interview on Day One of the W100
TheBushCenter: President Bush gives a pre-ride interview on Day One
TheBushCenter: President Bush talks with some warriors after the ride on Day One
TheBushCenter: Riding downhill on Day One
TheBushCenter: Day 2 of the W100 got started at daylight, so a few bike adjustments are made by flashlight
TheBushCenter: A few warriors rest before heading out on day 2
TheBushCenter: The sun comes up as the riders set out on day 2 of the W100
TheBushCenter: President Bush poses with a few warriors before the start of day 2
TheBushCenter: President Bush leads the pack up the trail on day 2
TheBushCenter: Three warriors take a quick water break on day 2
TheBushCenter: President Bush talks over the route with a guide while hydrating
TheBushCenter: President Bush leads the riders out of the water break
TheBushCenter: President Bush and Lance Armstrong pose with a few warriors at the end of the W100.
TheBushCenter: First Lieutenant Bart Lomont and his fellow servicemen and women kept up with the W100 while serving in Afghanistan.