Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Paris hipstamatic - contre jour [Explore]
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Let me get out of this commercial world
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Le bain d'Eliot - cool quand il fait 40° à l'extérieur
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Paris hipstamatic - la deudeuch d'en bas de chez moi
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Paris hipstamatic - fête de la musique
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Soyons heureuses en attendant le bonheur (de Miss-Tic)
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
In the bus
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Flying To Manchester
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Hopefully flying "soon" to Manchester
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Funky hospital church
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Building 14 th district Paris
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
The last corridor
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
The hospital church
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Face à moi-même / in front of myselft
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
Left out
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
End of the empire
Georges Abidbol (in Montréal):
my wife, my baby, my little girl