George Hong: Nature
George Hong: Walk away
George Hong: Rainforest
George Hong: Rainforest
George Hong: Great Ocean Road Trip
George Hong: #tram stop on #stgeorge
George Hong: Alone on the road. #melbourne #thornbury
George Hong: City traveler in #melbourne #beard #bear
George Hong: #perfectstrangers #melbourne #italian
George Hong: Lime of the ancient mariner-happy hour #cocktails #melbourne
George Hong: Suffering bastard #thornbury #melbourne
George Hong: #elevatorsong #keatonhenson #parliament
George Hong: 只要給一苗火光 眼前就變成港灣 誰藏匿欲言又止的渴望 夜的手指 輕輕一碰就渲染 #gentleman #beard #bear
George Hong: "And you're boring, and you're totally ordinary, and you know it."
George Hong: 你總會走開,不會一直都在。
George Hong: I'll do my best, wait for me my sweet mom. #melbourne #badday #hope
George Hong: You will miss coffee in Melbourne. #drinkwithme #melbourne
George Hong: 喝醉在超市逛街才是正經事 #melbourne #drinkwithme #beard #bear #gentleman
George Hong: Second round: sidecar #melbourne #bear #beard #drinkwithme
George Hong: I am having cold brew coffee first time. Ethiopia. #coffee #Melbourne #thornbury #coldbrew
George Hong: Might be too drunk last night...... #bear #beard #drinkwithme #melbourne
George Hong: No filter. Natural light. Hello? #bear #beard #gentleman
George Hong: Blurred #bear #beard #melbourne
George Hong: First cup of tonight: Le grande fizz #melbourne
George Hong: Hot bread kitchen #bear #beard #thornbury
George Hong: 「美景良辰未細賞,我已為你著涼。」-北極光 在墨爾本度過的第一個冬天,雖然動輒10度以下,乾冷的天氣至少比台灣的濕冷好上許多,至少,讓人保持生存念頭。想起莫文蔚的這首歌,知名度相對國語版來的低許多,但同樣的,都帶著那麼濃厚的相思之情。 我很好,那在北半球的你呢? I am good, how about you? #taiwanese #beard #cub #bear #melbourne
George Hong: There must be a light in the end. #melbourne #marriageequality #australia #thornbury
George Hong: 不來一發嗎?
George Hong: New beginning in Australia
George Hong: St. Kilda Beach