George D Thompson: A Part of My Garden
George D Thompson: Daddy in Dufaycolor
George D Thompson: Canal at Lancaster
George D Thompson: Flying to Manchester
George D Thompson: Floating Over Blackpool
George D Thompson: Elegant Ladye
George D Thompson: Brer Rabbit and his friends
George D Thompson: Quaint Street
George D Thompson: Jolly Jack
George D Thompson: A mere reflection
George D Thompson: Young Nick
George D Thompson: Charming Gentleman
George D Thompson: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
George D Thompson: The Conservationist
George D Thompson: Wee Laddie
George D Thompson: Watch yer back
George D Thompson: James Hull
George D Thompson: Potter enthusiasts
George D Thompson: My Former Icon
George D Thompson: My Sister, Sheila
George D Thompson: School Photograph
George D Thompson: Nicholas walking on the water
George D Thompson: American Teeth
George D Thompson: The Moor Park Serpentine
George D Thompson: Advertisement
George D Thompson: Revolutionary James