truth_scriber: it all begins
truth_scriber: Mr. Patrick!
truth_scriber: list and scribe
truth_scriber: jessie and kat
truth_scriber: Angry BOB
truth_scriber: bra-head
truth_scriber: brer jammin'
truth_scriber: cc john
truth_scriber: cc hulks out
truth_scriber: Answered Prayers
truth_scriber: mr. horse thinks it over
truth_scriber: van hoost
truth_scriber: dick velour pose
truth_scriber: punk strip tease
truth_scriber: kirchberger times travels!
truth_scriber: purple rain
truth_scriber: rev and jj
truth_scriber: rev greeting jj
truth_scriber: correct!
truth_scriber: too young to know
truth_scriber: jay boy coronation
truth_scriber: contemplation of reign
truth_scriber: on stage hikinks
truth_scriber: Jay Boy the winner
truth_scriber: Tom and Rev