Birds of North America: Red-breasted Merganser
Birds of North America: Marbled Godwit
Birds of North America: Northern Flicker
Birds of North America: Snail Kite - (f)
Birds of North America: Snail Kite - (m)
Birds of North America: Brown Pelican
Birds of North America: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Birds of North America: White-winged Dove
Birds of North America: Sandhill Crane
Birds of North America: White-fronted Goose
Birds of North America: American Avocet
Birds of North America: American Avocet
Birds of North America: Reddish Egret
Birds of North America: Pied-billed Grebe
Birds of North America: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
Birds of North America: Blue-winged Teal
Birds of North America: HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Birds of North America: Reddish Egret
Birds of North America: Pied-billed Grebe
Birds of North America: Brown-headed Cowbird
Birds of North America: Turkey Vulture
Birds of North America: Brown Boobie - juvenile.