GeorgeTsai 168: The disappearing rainbow 正在消失的彩虹
GeorgeTsai 168: Crossing Paths
GeorgeTsai 168: Connection between heaven and earth 彩虹橋
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow on the hill
GeorgeTsai 168: Ordinary Dual Rainbow 平凡的雙彩虹
GeorgeTsai 168: Heavenly Light
GeorgeTsai 168: Natural Arch
GeorgeTsai 168: Double Rainbow 雙彩虹
GeorgeTsai 168: Autumn Rainbow 秋之虹
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow in the Cloud
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow at last Christmas
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow @ Alviso during California Drought
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow Ride (Amtrak Capitol Corridor 532)
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow of Love 彩虹之戀
GeorgeTsai 168: Waiting 等待
GeorgeTsai 168: Two Rainbow bridges 雙虹橋
GeorgeTsai 168: the missing curve 失落的弧線
GeorgeTsai 168: Shelter-in-place Sunset Rainbow
GeorgeTsai 168: Rainbow - a symbol of hope amid covid-19 pandemic