George Eastman Museum:
Ford's Theatre, Washington, (Where President Lincoln was Assassinated)
George Eastman Museum:
Portraits of John Wilkes Booth and Boston Corbett
George Eastman Museum:
Samuel Arnold. (One of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators)
George Eastman Museum:
Portrait of John Wilkes Booth with devil whispering in his ear
George Eastman Museum:
Samuel Arnold
George Eastman Museum:
Copy of printed reward poster: $100,000 Reward...
George Eastman Museum:
Howard's Stable, Washington, Where Booth hired the horse on which he escaped.
George Eastman Museum:
Capture of Harrold and the Shooting of Booth in the Barn of Garath's Farm, by a detachment of the 16th. New York Cavalry under the Order of Col. Baker.
George Eastman Museum:
George B. Atzerodt. (One of the Lincoln Assassination Consiprators)
George Eastman Museum:
Garrett's House, Where Booth Died.
George Eastman Museum:
George B. Atzerodt
George Eastman Museum:
Shooting of Booth
George Eastman Museum:
Harold's House, near the Washington Navy-Yard.
George Eastman Museum:
David E. Herold, one of the Lincoln Assassination Consiprators.
George Eastman Museum:
David E. Herold
George Eastman Museum:
Michael O'Laughlin. One of the Lincoln Assassination Consiprators.
George Eastman Museum:
Michael O'Loughlin (sic)
George Eastman Museum:
Lewis Payne Powell, alias Lewis Payne, Who Attacked Hon. W.H. Seward
George Eastman Museum:
Lewis Payne, one of the Lincoln Conspirators before his execution
George Eastman Museum:
Lewis Payne
George Eastman Museum:
Lewis Payne
George Eastman Museum:
Edward Spangler. One of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators.
George Eastman Museum:
Execution of the Conspirators - Springing of the Trap. [From Harpers Weekly, July 22, 1865]
George Eastman Museum:
Edward Spangler
George Eastman Museum:
John H. Surratt.
George Eastman Museum:
The Late Residence of Mrs. Surratt, 541 Eight Street, Washington.
George Eastman Museum:
Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Joao M. Celestino]
George Eastman Museum:
Mrs. Surratt
George Eastman Museum:
Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Joao M. Celestino]
George Eastman Museum:
Man arrested on suspicion of being one of the Lincoln Assassination conspirators. Name not disclosed. [Identified as Joao M. Celestino]