douglr88: Its Bigger Close Up
douglr88: Big Rocks & Sheep
douglr88: Big Rocks
douglr88: They Are Big
douglr88: Club Bikes in Avebury
douglr88: Lunch Time
douglr88: There's Lots Of Them
douglr88: Unusual Building
douglr88: Break Time
douglr88: Dunster Castle
douglr88: Bridge Over the River Lyn
douglr88: Glen Lyn Gorge
douglr88: Not Far
douglr88: Looking Down
douglr88: Valley of the Rocks
douglr88: Looking Inland
douglr88: Looking South West
douglr88: Looking out from the top
douglr88: Cutter & Dennis
douglr88: White Horse
douglr88: Great View
douglr88: At The Rally Site
douglr88: Club Pin