GeordieKat: Walking on
GeordieKat: Surviving
GeordieKat: Time for a rest?
GeordieKat: Blizzard
GeordieKat: This way
GeordieKat: I'll get there
GeordieKat: Down the path
GeordieKat: Burning away
GeordieKat: There's life out there somewhere
GeordieKat: Stone view
GeordieKat: Snowy avenue
GeordieKat: Frozen
GeordieKat: Snow swings
GeordieKat: Snow Rose
GeordieKat: Swallowed by snow
GeordieKat: Bloomin' snow!
GeordieKat: let me out!
GeordieKat: St John's
GeordieKat: St John's Church hall
GeordieKat: St John's Church
GeordieKat: Hot choc in the snow
GeordieKat: Sunset
GeordieKat: Ice fingers
GeordieKat: Hanging
GeordieKat: Steel in the snow
GeordieKat: Over the Tyne
GeordieKat: Snow walk
GeordieKat: Funky clouds
GeordieKat: Gateshead Quayside
GeordieKat: Tyne Bridge