Geoff Livingston: A Brilliant Smile from Shonali Burke (@shonali) at xPotomac
Geoff Livingston: Andrew Keen Looks at His Klout Score
Geoff Livingston: Andrew Keen on the Podium
Geoff Livingston: Emcee Shana Glickfield in the Limelight
Geoff Livingston: Greg Verdino (@gregverdino) Sporting the Sneakers at xPotomac
Geoff Livingston: Jen Consalvo (@noreaster) Speaks at xPotomac
Geoff Livingston: Jim Long (@Newmediajim) and Dino Dogan (@dinodogan) Chat
Geoff Livingston: Vanessa Fox (@vanessafox) Speaks at xPotomac
Geoff Livingston: Ken Yarmosh (@kenyarmosh) has a halo effect at #xPotomac13
Geoff Livingston: The Source Theatre