Geoff Livingston:
Rocky Mountain Sunrise
Geoff Livingston:
Sangha Watches the Sun Rise
Geoff Livingston:
Monastics Play Volleyball, Too!
Geoff Livingston:
The Spirit of Children
Geoff Livingston:
Herd of Elk
Geoff Livingston:
The Babbling Brook
Geoff Livingston:
Cub Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park
Geoff Livingston:
Mountain Desert Flower
Geoff Livingston:
The Scream of the Blue Dragonfly
Geoff Livingston:
Caitlin Livingston in the Rockies
Geoff Livingston:
Sister Thoai Nghiem Tells Her Story
Geoff Livingston:
Sister Dang Nghiem Discusses Dharma, Bat Nha Situation
Geoff Livingston:
Sister Pine
Geoff Livingston:
Violet Petunia
Geoff Livingston:
Bhuddhist Altar
Geoff Livingston:
Purple Petunia
Geoff Livingston:
Coors Field Sunset
Geoff Livingston:
Red Rocky Mountain Sunset Behind Coors Field
Geoff Livingston:
Denver Skyline
Geoff Livingston:
Denver's Daniel & Fisher Clocktower (at Night)