geojanitor: American and Horseshoe Falls
geojanitor: Horseshoe Falls from Maid of the Mist
geojanitor: American Falls from Maid of the Mist dock
geojanitor: Edge of Horseshoe falls
geojanitor: Edge of Horseshoe Falls
geojanitor: Peaking over Horseshoe Falls from Table Rock
geojanitor: American Falls
geojanitor: American Falls
geojanitor: American Falls
geojanitor: American Falls from Maid of the Mist
geojanitor: American Falls from Maid of the Mist
geojanitor: Niagara Falls from the Street
geojanitor: American Falls from the street
geojanitor: Evening view of American Falls
geojanitor: View looking upriver to Horseshoe Falls
geojanitor: American Falls
geojanitor: American Falls from river level