Geoff Spiby: SCFD009 wreck of Transvaler Smitswinkelbay
Geoff Spiby: SCFD007 wreck of Rockeater Smitswinkelbay
Geoff Spiby: SCAD027
Geoff Spiby: SCAD026 diving on anchor of Dutch East Indiaman
Geoff Spiby: RW033 Carnatic Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW031 wreck AIDA at Brothers Island, Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW025 Salem Express ,Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW036 Salem Express-diver and frogfish
Geoff Spiby: RW022 Salem Express, Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW011 diver and frogfish,Salem Express wreck, Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW032 Salem Express-diver and propeller
Geoff Spiby: RW005 Salem Express,Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW012 Salem Express, Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW021 Salem Express, Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW020 Ghiannis D wreck Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW019 Ghiannis D wreck Red sea
Geoff Spiby: RW030 Ghiannis D wreck-Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW023 Ghiannis D Red Sea wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW017 Ghiannis D-diver on wreck, Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW029 HMS Thistlegorm wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW028 HMS Thistlegorm wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW010 Thistlegorm wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW016 Dunraven Red sea
Geoff Spiby: RW015 Thistlegorm wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW014 Thistlegorm wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW013 Ghiannis D -diver and sweepers on wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW007 Red Sea Carnatic wreck
Geoff Spiby: RW018 Carnatic Red Sea
Geoff Spiby: RW006 sweepers on Carnatic, Red Sea