Geoff Ross: Lomo Nell
Geoff Ross: Fancy Shade Libby
Geoff Ross: Brewery Tours brought to you by Caleb
Geoff Ross: Can you see Eddie?
Geoff Ross: Eddie has lots of hair
Geoff Ross: fancycam
Geoff Ross: It was very bright out
Geoff Ross: waiting for the "tour" to begin
Geoff Ross: He actually has not been drinking yet
Geoff Ross: Beer history
Geoff Ross: Mmmm...iodine!
Geoff Ross: I'm a rebel!
Geoff Ross: Sacks of malt?
Geoff Ross: Beer cat
Geoff Ross: drinking
Geoff Ross: Caleb double-fisting it
Geoff Ross: The famed logo
Geoff Ross: Kir and Jamaal
Geoff Ross: Lord Eddie
Geoff Ross: Whispered Conversations
Geoff Ross: no clever title left in my brain-type
Geoff Ross: Jamaal, Hanne, Sleepy Adam
Geoff Ross: Still sleeping