Geoffrey: Cherry Blossoms in the Samurai District
Geoffrey: Leaving on a jet plane...
Geoffrey: Poetic stones.
Geoffrey: Michael Coldman on the concourse in Detroit?
Geoffrey: Tram at Detroit.
Geoffrey: Fun with fountains.
Geoffrey: Gate A38.
Geoffrey: Up, up and away!
Geoffrey: The trains of Osaka I.
Geoffrey: The trains of Osaka II.
Geoffrey: Blue stork graffiti.
Geoffrey: The hotel in Osaka.
Geoffrey: Like a manga come to life.
Geoffrey: Osaka streets and the Everyday Kitchen.
Geoffrey: American Clowns.
Geoffrey: Square lanterns!
Geoffrey: The intrepid traveler.
Geoffrey: Emeril Kitty.
Geoffrey: Japanese vending machines.
Geoffrey: A few of my favorite things.
Geoffrey: Starbucks menus in Japanese.
Geoffrey: Arigato, Charlie Brown!
Geoffrey: Seattle's Best in Osaka.
Geoffrey: DOGGYMAN?
Geoffrey: Japanese countryside.
Geoffrey: Japanese countryside II.
Geoffrey: Laura on the train.
Geoffrey: Farming in Japan.
Geoffrey: Japanese country.
Geoffrey: A stork in Ise.