Geoffrey Graham: Casey's pre-run interview
Geoffrey Graham: Geoff's starting line interview
Geoffrey Graham: Geoff's mid race commentary
Geoffrey Graham: Casey's post race interview
Geoffrey Graham: Geoff and Casey at the starting line of the Vasque Golden Leaf Half Marathon
Geoffrey Graham: Geoff and Casey at the starting line of the Vasque Golden Leaf Half Marathon
Geoffrey Graham: First wave of runners starts
Geoffrey Graham: Casey at the start
Geoffrey Graham: Waiting to start in the Third Wave
Geoffrey Graham: Somewhere around mile 4
Geoffrey Graham: Somewhere around mile 4
Geoffrey Graham: Somewhere around Mile 10
Geoffrey Graham: Somewhere around mile 10
Geoffrey Graham: Geoff somewhere around mile 10
Geoffrey Graham: Bruised pinky toe
Geoffrey Graham: Geoff relaxing after the Vasque Golden Leaf Half Marathon
Geoffrey Graham: Casey post race
Geoffrey Graham: Vibram Fivefinger KSOs after the Vasque Golden Leaf Half Marathon