Geoff Churn: Anticipation
Geoff Churn: Thomas's guard
Geoff Churn: Lap 1. The chase is on
Geoff Churn: Go Wiggo!!
Geoff Churn: Legend
Geoff Churn: Team GB in hot pursuit
Geoff Churn: Peloton
Geoff Churn: Disregard
Geoff Churn: Excellent baby enclosure
Geoff Churn: Holding the gap
Geoff Churn: Followers
Geoff Churn: His chance to shine / show off
Geoff Churn: Patriotic
Geoff Churn: Want one of those chainrings
Geoff Churn: Stretching out
Geoff Churn: Exactly
Geoff Churn: Hacked off
Geoff Churn: Wiggo puts the hard miles in
Geoff Churn: Ready to pounce?
Geoff Churn: Olympic Park SE15