Geoff Cooke: Bulawayo steam depot, Rhodesia
Geoff Cooke: 15th Class #413, Bulawayo steam depot, Rhodesia
Geoff Cooke: Bulawayo steam depot, Rhodesia
Geoff Cooke: Class 16A Garratt 613 and Class 15A 406, Bulawayo steam depot. 2005.
Geoff Cooke: Inungu cab and coaling stage, Bulawayo. 2005.
Geoff Cooke: Cass 15A Garratt 371
Geoff Cooke: 416 in P15
Geoff Cooke: 416 under repair
Geoff Cooke: 395 and welder
Geoff Cooke: Reflections
Geoff Cooke: Class 15A Garratt 395
Geoff Cooke: Tracks behind the P15 shed
Geoff Cooke: Water column
Geoff Cooke: Not to be moved
Geoff Cooke: Silhouette
Geoff Cooke: Sunrise
Geoff Cooke: Wheels
Geoff Cooke: Spare tracks
Geoff Cooke: The shed
Geoff Cooke: Class 14A 525 leaving the coaling facility
Geoff Cooke: Class 20A #730
Geoff Cooke: P15 shed
Geoff Cooke: 525 and 610 prepared for service
Geoff Cooke: Garratt
Geoff Cooke: Oiling around
Geoff Cooke: Lubricator
Geoff Cooke: Garratt 525
Geoff Cooke: Class 16A 613