Geoff Cooke:
Lilac breaster roller with a bug
Geoff Cooke:
Lilac breasted roller swallowing a beetle
Geoff Cooke:
Water monitor
Geoff Cooke:
Blackcrowned Night Heron
Geoff Cooke:
Brown Hooded Kingfisher
Geoff Cooke:
Africa Fish Eagle on a tree over the Chobe River
Geoff Cooke:
Pied Kingfisher
Geoff Cooke:
Lilac-breasted roller
Geoff Cooke:
Namibian fishermen on the Chobe river
Geoff Cooke:
Elephants silhouetted at sunset
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Chobe Rover
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters on their nests
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eater
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Chobe River
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Chobe River
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eaters on the Chobe River
Geoff Cooke:
White-fronted Bee-eater on the Chobe River
Geoff Cooke:
A southern carmine bee-eater with white fronted bee-eaters
Geoff Cooke:
Carmine bee-eater
Geoff Cooke:
A southern carmine bee-eater with white fronted bee-eater
Geoff Cooke:
Red lechwe on the Chobe flood plains in Namibia
Geoff Cooke:
Red lechwe on the Chobe flood plains in Namibia
Geoff Cooke:
Red lechwe
Geoff Cooke:
Red lechwe on the Chobe river
Geoff Cooke:
Red lechwe on the Chobe flood plains
Geoff Cooke:
Red lechwe on the Chobe flood plains
Geoff Cooke:
Water lilly on the Chobe River
Geoff Cooke:
Crowned crane and blacksmith lapwings