Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 197-xxx near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 197-xxx near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 197-xxx near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 197-xxx near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-209 and 97-208 near Vordenburg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-209 and 97-208 near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-209 near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 97-xxx near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 97-xxx near Vordenberg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 97-xxx near Vordenburg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 97-xxx near Vordenburg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: OBB 197-301 at Prabichl
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-204 and 197-301 approaching Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-204 and 197-301 at Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-209 and 97-208 at Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: An unidentified OBB 97 class and 197-301 at Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: An unidentified OBB 97 class and 197-301 at Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: An unidentified OBB 97 class near Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: An unidentified OBB 97 and OBB 197-301 near Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: An unidentified OBB 97 and OBB 197-301 near Vordenberg Markt
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-208 at Vordenberg
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-208 at Eizenerz
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-208 at Eizenerz
Geoff Cooke: OBB 97-208 at Eizenerz
Geoff Cooke: 97-217 at Prabichl, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-217 and 97-207 near Vordenburg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-xxx and 97-xxx near Prabichl, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-217 and 97-207 at Vordenburg Markt, Austria
Geoff Cooke: 97-217 and 97-207 at Vordenburg Markt, Austria