Geoff Cooke: DE3 # 1315 with CFM 262 in load on Train 23 at Ruwa
Geoff Cooke: DE3 # 1315 with CFM 262 in load on Train 23 at Ruwa
Geoff Cooke: DE3 # 1315 with CFM 262 in load on Train 23 crossing the Ruwa river
Geoff Cooke: DE4 # 1413 with CFM 262 in load on Train 23 between Salisbury and Msasa
Geoff Cooke: CFM 262 in load on Train 23 between Salisbury and Msasa
Geoff Cooke: DE4 #1400 and DE3 # 1302 with CFM 960 in load on Train 23 at Mabvuku
Geoff Cooke: DE4 #1400 and DE3 # 1302 with CFM 960 in load on Train 23 at Mabvuku
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 209 arriving at Boane, Mozambique
Geoff Cooke: CFM 251 and 424 crossing with CFM # 209 at Boane, Mozambique
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 473 at Lourenco Marques steam depot
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 68 and 425 at Lourenco Marques steam shed
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 572 at Lourenco Marques steam depot
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 94, 271 and 473 at Lourenco Marques steam depot
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 302 and 572 at Infulene, near Lourenco Marques
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 703 at Lourenco Marques steam depot
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 303 at Lourenco Marques steam shed
Geoff Cooke: CFLM # 9. Dubs loco preserved at Lourenco Marques station
Geoff Cooke: CFM #1 "Gaza". 2'6" preserved at Lourenco Marques station
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 84 at Motola Docks
Geoff Cooke: Steam Crane and washing. Lourenco Marques steam shed.
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 572 at Lourenco Marques steam depot
Geoff Cooke: CFM 255 and 474 at Infulene
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 303 at Lourenco Marques docks
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 303 at Lourenco Marques docks
Geoff Cooke: Lourenco Marques diesel shed
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 331 at Lourenco Marques steam shed
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 302 at Infulene
Geoff Cooke: CFM 209 at Infulene
Geoff Cooke: CFM # 92 at Lourenco Marques docks
Geoff Cooke: CFM 95, 96, 63 at Lourenco Marques docks