Geoff Cooke: Mother and Child
Geoff Cooke: Aloe in the Matopos
Geoff Cooke: Balancing Rocks
Geoff Cooke: A road in the Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Paper bark tree
Geoff Cooke: Below the Maleme Dam spillway
Geoff Cooke: Maleme Dam
Geoff Cooke: Maleme Dam reflections
Geoff Cooke: The road to Maleme Dam
Geoff Cooke: Balancing Rocks in the Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Circular drive in the Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Balancing Rocks in the Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Circular Drive in the Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: The Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Paper bark tree
Geoff Cooke: The Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Lichen in the Matobo Hills
Geoff Cooke: Leander Starr Jameson grave
Geoff Cooke: Cecil Rhodes Grave
Geoff Cooke: Cecil Rhodes Grave
Geoff Cooke: Sunset at Malindidzimu
Geoff Cooke: Sunset at Malindidzimu
Geoff Cooke: Alan Wilson memorial
Geoff Cooke: Matopos health and safety notice
Geoff Cooke: Fireballs
Geoff Cooke: Balancing rocks
Geoff Cooke: Mpopoma Dam
Geoff Cooke: White Rhino
Geoff Cooke: Stalking a Rhino
Geoff Cooke: Cave paintings