Hole where the light from the Sun shine directly into the interior of the tomb on Winter Solstice.
Offering Ireland Peace Through Superior Firepower. The Irish are a polite people -- nobody commented on the shirt.
Irish Bus tour: wealthy farmer who owns land around Newgrange gets on board bus and recites from memory poems of Oliver St John Gogarty.
Boyne River, near where William of Orange defeated King James at the Battle of the Boyne, ensuring English domination over Ireland for the next 300+ years.
View looking north from Hill of Tara, ancient seat of the High Kings of Ireland. You can supposedly see 25% of the land of Ireland from the hill on a clear day. It is an amazing view.
View looking west from Hill of Tara, ancient seat of the High Kings of Ireland. You can supposedly see 25% of the land of Ireland from the hill on a clear day. It is an amazing view.
View looking south from Hill of Tara, ancient seat of the High Kings of Ireland. You can supposedly see 25% of the land of Ireland from the hill on a clear day. It is an amazing view. Note sheep on sacred site.
Jacob on Hill of Tara, ancient seat of the High Kings of Ireland, breathing in the history.
Tim on Hill of Tara, ancient seat of the High Kings of Ireland, smiling at the history and remembering his grandmother telling him about TaraT.