Geodog: Arrival at the Tikal Inn, and the wonderful pool which helped us cope with the always greater than 90 degree tempuratures.
Geodog: Mayan created pond at the entrance to Tikal ruins.
Geodog: Gray-Necked Wood-Rail chasing Brown Jays away from its territory, the little shelter at the entrance to the ruins at Tikal.
Geodog: Gray-Necked Wood-Rail preparing to chase us away from its territory,.
Geodog: Sign about Ceiba Tree, aka Ya'ascche. It is Guatemala's National Tree, and is the Mayan sacred World Tree.
Geodog: The crown of the Ceiba tree.
Geodog: As much of the Ceiba tree as I could fit in a picture. Awe inspiring tree.
Geodog: The first monkey spotted at Tikal, an hour after our arrival.
Geodog: An Ocellated Turkey, aka Petén Turkey, leads us back up the driveway to the Tikal Inn.
Geodog: The colors of the Ocellated Turkey have to be seen to be believed.
Geodog: A lousy picture of a very cute animal, an agouti, spotted on the forest floor.
Geodog: Full moon still visible as dawn breaks over the grounds of the Tikal Inn..
Geodog: Dawn breaks at the Tikal Inn grounds
Geodog: Spiderweb glistening in the morning mist.
Geodog: Agouti spotted speeding across the hotel driveway in the early morning light.
Geodog: Coming across a small flock of Ocellated Turkeys on the path to the ruins.
Geodog: Almost invisible frog hiding in the leaf litter.
Geodog: Our fabulous archaeologist and part-time guide, Roxy Ortiz (far right), explaining how the Mayans created Tikal.
Geodog: Our first ruins.
Geodog: Outline of carved face barely visible in rock.
Geodog: Very narrow passageway.
Geodog: Doorways more than a thousand years old.
Geodog: Looking up at Temple V in the early morning light (notice steep ladder on left).
Geodog: Temple V in the morning mist (notice the ladder on the left)
Geodog: It's a long climb up.. and down.
Geodog: View from top of Temple V looking towards Temple I.
Geodog: Nothing but jungle and mist, as far as you can see.
Geodog: Roxy Ortiz, our wonderful guide and archeologist, at the top of Temple V in the early morning mist.
Geodog: View from top of Temple V looking down (see people at left for scale).
Geodog: Temple I seen through the mist.