Geodog: Berkeley Bumper Sticker: At least the war on the environment is going well.
Geodog: Berkeley Bumper Sticker: I love my country * * * but I think we should start seeing other people.
Geodog: Berkeley Bumper Sticker: Buckle up, it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car.
Geodog: Berkeley Bumper Sticker: If evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve.
Geodog: Berkeley Bumper Sticker: Our national health plan / Don't get sick,
Geodog: Car parked next to my house in Berkeley with great bumper stickers.:
Geodog: Away from the Fundamentalist vs Darwinist battle: The Flying Spagetti Monster insignia spotted in Berkeley.
Geodog: "Why Socialism" poster on very expensive house in the Berkeley hills.
Geodog: Someone who has had it with signs in Berkeley -- a sign saying no more stupid Berkeley signs.
Geodog: Die4oil bumper sticker
Geodog: Berkeley Bumper Sticker. "Bipartisanship: I'll hug your elephant if you kiss my ass."
Geodog: If only closed minds came with closed mouths