Geodog: Plane with folding wings on trailer beside the Three Zero Cafe
Geodog: Plane slightly larger than a Mini Cooper.
Geodog: The view from the visitor's center at Año Nuevo State Reserve.
Geodog: The far view from the visitor's center at Año Nuevo State Reserve.
Geodog: Tree, Ocean, Horizon.
Geodog: The first Elephant Seals: Mom and baby seen from the cliff.
Geodog: Many Elephant Seals seen from the cliffs.
Geodog: Same group of Elephant Seals, seen from another angle.
Geodog: San Mateo County coastal hillside on a clear day.
Geodog: Hikers in the dunes.
Geodog: Abandoned lighthouse keeper's house at Año Nuevo in the background -- a few Elephant Seals in the foreground.
Geodog: Elephant Seal #1
Geodog: Elephant Seal #1
Geodog: Elephant seals resting in the puddles and thickets.
Geodog: Elephant seal pup that didn't make it.
Geodog: Elephant seal pup skeleton
Geodog: Elephant seal pup skull
Geodog: 2008-03-03-Año-Nuevo-2747
Geodog: Elephant seals resting in a puddle, abandoned lighthouse keepers house in background.
Geodog: Elephant seals, Año Nuevo island, and a beautiful spring day.
Geodog: Elephant seals basking in the sun at the beach.
Geodog: Sun on the California Coast
Geodog: Tim on the California coast, the movie version.
Geodog: Empty horizon. Good for the soul.
Geodog: A great clear spring day on the California coast.
Geodog: How many miles to Japan?
Geodog: Elephant seal on the beach.
Geodog: Elephant seal on the beach.
Geodog: Closeup of Elephant Seal.
Geodog: The ever scenic California coast.