Geodog: The procession for the fiesta for the Virgin de los Angeles, patron saint of Costa Rica and patron saint of the little village of Los Angeles, near San Gerardo de Rivas.
Geodog: Mountain road entering San Gerardo de Rivas.
Geodog: Vacation home in San Gerardo de Rivas.
Geodog: Signs for the local businesses and tourist attractions in San Gerardo de Rivas.
Geodog: Army ants? crossing the bridge.
Geodog: Closeup of the saint guarding the bridge between San Gerardo and Herradura.
Geodog: The saint guarding the bridge between San Gerardo and Herradura.
Geodog: Costa Ricans drive cars on this bridge.
Geodog: Rio Chirripo rushing by.
Geodog: A different kind of house, with hammocks and dining room table in an open air upstairs. So much of life in Costa Rica is lived outside.
Geodog: Band and a great lunch put on by the church ladies at the fiesta of la Virgen de los Angeles.
Geodog: The soccer (futbol) team emerges from the school where they changed in full fiesta regalia.
Geodog: Everybody in town is looking at the futbol (soccer) team players.
Geodog: Unusual soccer players.
Geodog: My personal favorite was seeing a Costa Rican soccer player dressed up as Richard Nixon.