Geodog: Some of the boy's favorite wildlife in Costa Rica, the kitten at the Talari Mountain Lodge.
Geodog: Mama cat at the Talari Mountain Lodge.
Geodog: The Talari River. Extremely swift.
Geodog: Iguana basking on a rock next to the Talari River.
Geodog: Tim birdwatching beside the Talari River.
Geodog: Our beatiful little guy bug hunting.
Geodog: First butterfly caught.
Geodog: Blue gray tanager on a bunch of bananas.
Geodog: The "Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados," aka AyA, provides potable water throughout the country, including in tiny rural villages like this one on the road up the side of Mt. Chirripo. Great mural too.
Geodog: I was impressed to see this recycling station on the side of a small road going up Mt. Chirripo. Costa Rica has many challenges, but it seems headed in the right direction.
Geodog: Foothills of the Talamanca range of mountains, seen at early morning.
Geodog: Early morning birdwatching.
Geodog: The restaurant at the Talari Mountain Lodge. Great setting, but the food was sub-standard. As of Sept 2006 new owners took over, and they have written me to say that they have improved the the food.
Geodog: But the kitten was great.